
When a waxed canvas jacket is washed, the wax coating that provides its water-resistant properties is removed along with dirt and grime. However, the good news is that waxed canvas can be re-waxed to restore its water resistance and revive its protective qualities.

Here's how the re-waxing process generally works:

  1. Cleaning: Before re-waxing, it's crucial to clean the jacket thoroughly. Use a gentle soap and lukewarm water to wash away any dirt or residues. Allow the jacket to air dry completely.

  2. Re-waxing: Various wax products, like Otter Wax or similar brands, offer wax bars or solutions specifically designed for re-waxing garments. Follow the instructions provided with the wax product. Typically, you'd rub the wax onto the clean, dry jacket and use a heat source (like a hairdryer or heat gun on low) to melt and spread the wax evenly over the fabric.

  3. Application: Apply the wax in a thin, even layer, focusing on areas that may experience more wear and tear or where water tends to collect, such as seams, elbows, and shoulders. Work the wax into the fabric, ensuring full coverage.

  4. Heat Activation: After applying the wax, use a low level of heat to help the wax penetrate and bond with the fabric. This step ensures that the wax is absorbed into the canvas fibers, reinstating its water-resistant properties.

  5. Drying: Allow the jacket to dry completely, giving the wax ample time to set and adhere to the fabric. Hanging the jacket in a well-ventilated area is ideal.

Re-waxing a jacket is a simple and effective way to maintain its water resistance and prolong its lifespan. It's a process that can be repeated as needed to keep the jacket performing at its best. Plus, it offers the opportunity to personalize the level of wax applied based on your specific preferences for water resistance and appearance.